Friday, February 8, 2019

Those Were the Good Days of My Life

So full of energy, so full of fun
Enthusiasm seems to run in the veins of each and every one
Love one moment, curse the next
But each one is better than best
We dance like zombies
Sing like crazies
Roomies become besties
We criticize the food
Are slaves of our mood
Abuse and swear
Ponder what to wear
Sleep late at night
Avoid the morning bright
Spread our wings and we want to fly
High above, up in the sky
We discover new us
Make up the silly chorus
Play in the rain
Laugh even in pain
Get beaten up on birthdays
Feel confused about how to take a praise
But even after so many happenings
Somewhere there's still a mourning
Missing family and homes
Old friends and foes
School days that are long gone
Babies of pets yet to be born
Those crushes and lovers
Irritating yet caring and loving teachers
Those silly quarrels with my little sister
Oh god! How very much I miss her
And all the little things
Including the tree with things on wings.

While brooding about my past
The present hit me hard and fast
I know right now I’m flowing with the tide
But the day when I step outside
I know I’ll reminisce about this place
With a sad smile on my face.

Friday, February 1, 2019

The Angel

She was an angel sans wings
So quite so serene.
The long eyelashes
And hidden beneath them her beautiful eyes
Her toothless smile
She was an innocent baby
Yet to see the dark bad world.

She grew up to be an obedient and disciplined girl
Though she was quiet, loved by all
She did her studies and chores on time
She was appreciated and praised.
She was an innocent girl
Yet to see the dark bad world.

She is now old enough
No more a baby in the cot
People had expectations from her
She lived for them and fulfilled them all
She was an innocent teen
Yet to see the dark bad world.

She failed
Failed to live up to their dreams
People who loved her were nowhere to be seen
There were no more pats on her back
She had lived her life
The life she was living for others
It’s time to go
And the angel took leave
She was an innocent angel
Having seen the dark bad world.

Those Were the Good Days of My Life

So full of energy, so full of fun Enthusiasm seems to run in the veins of each and every one Love one moment, curse the next But ea...